Tuesday, June 30, 2009

String Instruments pt1

Here a 5 of the 6 string instruments I have made so far. Not too bad for a beginner but I have spent much more time making the chimes. That may change since I have the chime making down to a science/art.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I am out of titles.. deal,pt1

Talk about out there. This thing is from maybe 2004 or 2005. It is a percussion instrument tuned to the period of existence of Jerry Garcia. The tubes are 4" pvc tubing over a 4" sound board. It was over 4 foot long and 2 foot wide. It sounded really great and I had some cool beat tone, theta waves and all sorts of other cool stuff going on with it. I am not much of a percussionist so I ended up giving to a bunch of Mormon hard rocker type of dudes in Denver. I was installing windows at their parents house and they were intrigued. Who could have figured this thing ended up with the Mormon's? Goes to show you just can't ever judge! Ever!!!

More stuff

Pot of gold?

Some out there sound art

Not quite art! Me pretending like I could actually play:)

Another chime

This is a door chime tuned to Om. As the name implies it is meant to be hung on the back of a door and impart good vibes to anyone entering your space.

Beautiful Buck

The buck has been coming around for 3 summers now. Stunning. So strong and good looking.

New chimes pt.2

Two chimes with Lacewood parts for a friend in memory of a dear friend passed.

New Chimes

A harmony set tuned to Om.